Remote project locations, site access issues, monitoring frequencies can result in high labour and expense costs to conduct environmental monitoring.
We Have a Cost-Effective Monitoring Solution
Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. (MEMS) has successfully designed and deployed a remote
monitoring stations that are hardy to the weather in western Canada. These systems are capable of multi-parameter data collection and applications commonly utilized in:
- pre-project baseline environmental
assessments - construction monitoring
- project operations compliance
- due diligence monitoring
- post-closure monitoring & reporting
These flexible, mobile, stand alone units are powered by a combination of battery and solar power, and are specifically designed to operate in our harsh Canadian climate.
Data is collected at client-specified frequencies and transmitted in real time via cellular or satellite
networks directly into a database. Datasets are accessible via our client web portal. Real time alerts can be set up to notify you or your vendors of parameter exceedances that require immediate attention. MEMS scientists are available to review, interpret, and model data; and provide reports and recommendations to satisfy your project requirements.