Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.
Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.


MEMS Expands into Agribusiness with its Smart Interface for Advanced Analytics of Crop Protection Products

We have exciting new technologies developed by Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. (MEMS) for the Ag Tech sector. We noticed a gap in how toxicological information is collected, stored and shared with regulators, which can have an impact on a producer’s ability to forecast their business needs. MEMS developed a web-based platform for stakeholders (farmers to […]

Major Updates to the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines

Alberta Environment and Park (AEP) has recently released a 2023 update to the Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines. The changes include a lower Tier 1 threshold for benzene for agricultural and residential coarse soil sites from the previous guidelines. What is less immediately apparent is that the guidelines also change for the […]

Wetland Compensation Program for the Thorhild Landfill

MEMS completed the Thorhild Landfill wetlands compensation program in 2010, and the wetlands continue to be monitored by MEMS today as they progress towards healthy, functioning wetland ecosystems. The work included successfully designing and constructing a 0.35-hectare semi-permanent wetland and restoring a shrubby fen impacted by birch encroachment and cattle grazing. MEMS was involved in […]

Millennium Welcomes Lyndon Hanson – Principal Business Strategist

We are pleased to announce that Lyndon Hanson, PGeo has joined the Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. team as Principal Business Strategist. Lyndon will be based in the Vancouver, British Columbia area to support all facets of Millennium’s services across Canada and support our expansion across the Prairies and in BC. Lyndon has worked in the […]

Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. Expands Full-Service Environmental Consulting with a New Office in Saskatoon

Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd. (MEMS) Expands Full Service Environmental Consulting and Technology Products Across Western Canada with a Newly Opened Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Office Located in Innovation Place Exciting things are happening at MEMS, and it is our pleasure to announce our expansion and new office in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  Our environmental professional team and clients have […]